
Archive for October 30th, 2007

I think this is my worst bento so far. It’s terribly underwhelming but all I had the time for this morning. On Sunday I wanted to eat the turkey wraps from Costco again so this holds the last 3 pieces leftover. I cut them in half to stow them away nicely but it turned out to be a pretty boring display, so I added some flower shaped sweet potato slices to the top. It still didn’t turn out as nice as I wanted it to, but oh well. It’ll taste good anyway! 🙂

On the side I have some slices of watermelon that my mom had bought us at the pumpkin patch. It had tons of seeds so I removed all of them for easy eating while I cut it all up. It’s super sweet!! I included a tiny pink fork to eat them with. I bought these back during my E3 trip this past summer when my cousin took me to Little Tokyo. It’s so nice to finally put them to use! Aren’t they adorable! I have white, green, and pink ones.

I’ve been debating taking my store down for a while since I am having so much stress lately. I’m thinking maybe I could open it back up after Fan Fest when things are much calmer. Right now, I end up taking so freaking long to ship things and I feel terrible about it. I’ll let you all know what I decide. >.<

I’ve got a hilarious kid story to share today. My son does not say “grandma” yet and this drives my MIL nuts, so she’s constantly pointing to herself and saying, “Who am I?” or “Who is this??”. Yesterday we got home and she tells us rather dejectedly that he’s been making this kinda grunting noise to refer to her, like Grt grt! or something. So she demonstrates for us and I about died right there. She was wearing a pink shirt with three piggies on the front. So whenever she pointed at herself she was pointing at the pigs and saying, “Who’s this?” and so he’d grunt like a pig. LOL

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